Els millors apartaments a Barcelona | Lugaris

Gaudeix dels millors apartaments a prop de la platja a Barcelona

Us convidem a descobrir una de les destinacions més visitades d’Europa: Barcelona. Any rere any, la seva inesgotable oferta turística, cultural i de lleure atrau més de 8 milions de turistes anuals, sent també la sisena ciutat del món preferida per als negocis. Perquè vosaltres també pugueu conèixer-la amb total comoditat, Lugaris posa a les vostres mans els millors apartaments a prop de la platja a Barcelona.

Qualsevol dels nostres dos complexos residencials, Lugaris Beach i Lugaris Rambla, es troba a tan sols uns minuts a peu del mar, per tal que pugueu acostar-vos-hi com i quan vulgueu. I per descomptat, també hi tindreu l’oportunitat d’admirar alguns dels seus edificis més emblemàtics, sense oblidar els seus nombrosos museus, restaurants, pubs i discoteques

Lugaris Beach

Passeig de Calvell 45 08005 Barcelona

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Lugaris Rambla


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Els apartaments Lugaris Beach es troben a només 200 m de la platja, al passeig de Calvell, 45, i al cor del Poblenou. Malgrat que gran part d’aquest barri destaca pel seu extraordinari patrimoni industrial, els apartaments obren les seves portes a una de les àrees més avantguardistes, creades i renovades amb motiu dels Jocs Olímpics de 1992. Com a exemple, caldria referir-se a les platges més properes: Bogatell i Mar Bella.

Tampoc no s’ha de passar per alt un altre dels grans reclams dels voltants de Poblenou: la Barceloneta. Aquest tradicional barri de pescadors, la construcció del qual va iniciar-se el 1753, conjuga perfectament l’ambient mariner i una constel·lació de cases baixes emblanquinades amb infinitat d’opcions culturals, gastronòmiques i lúdiques. Descobreix-ho tot a la nostra guia turística de Barcelona.

Així, convindria fer esment del Museu d’Història de Catalunya, els restaurants i marisqueries que esquitxen el passeig de Joan de Borbó, al Port Olímpic o els barris del Born i el Gòtic —tots dos gairebé veïns i amb interessants construccions medievals—, per parlar només d’alguns dels múltiples al·licients als quals podreu accedir fàcilment i ràpida des del vostre allotjament a Barcelona.

Aquest ventall de propostes és a l’alçada del confort que us brinden els apartaments Lugaris Beach. En aquest complex residencial d’alt standing teniu tot allò que necessitareu per a fer que el vostre pas per la capital catalana sigui una de les millors experiències de la vostra vida. Per a això, us oferim apartaments d’1 a 6 persones, totalment equipats i dotats de cuina americana, saló menjador, 1 o 2 habitacions o 1 o 2 banys amb banyera o plat de dutxa, a un modern edifici amb plaça d’aparcament, ascensor, piscina i solàrium.

I això no és tot: perquè la vostra estada sigui encara més plaent, també hi podeu llogar apartaments amb vistes al mar.


Si teníeu en ment gaudir del sol i la platja sempre que us vingui de gust, però voleu allotjar-vos a un indret tranquil i alhora cèntric, els nostres apartaments Lugaris Rambla Barcelona són la solució idònia.

Situats a només 300 m de la platja, obren les portes a la fotogènica rambla del Poblenou, 16-20, un espai per als vianants curull d’agradables restaurants, bars, terrasses, una orxateria centenària i petits comerços de proximitat. Aquesta artèria es desplega al 22@, el barri de Barcelona que acull la principal concentració d’empreses tecnològiques, així com algunes fàbriques del segle XIX acuradament restaurades i l’espectacular torre Agbar de Jean Nouvel, el tercer gratacel més alt de la ciutat i una de les grans icones de l’era postolímpica.

Tots aquests al·licients i molts més seran al vostre abast si decidiu llogar els nostres apartaments Rambla a Barcelona. Per la nostra part, hem tingut cura de tots els detalls perquè no us hi manqui de res.
Aquests magnífics pisos al Poblenou, amb capacitat per a un màxim de 5 persones, disposen de cuina, un espaiós saló menjador, 1 o 2 habitacions i 1 o 2 bany amb banyera o dutxa, en funció de les vostres preferències. A més, alguns compten amb un bonic balcó. Fins i tot, pensant en aquells que vulguin aprofitar l’envejable clima de Barcelona per a dinar o sopar a l’aire lliure sense sortir de casa, també oferim pisos amb terrassa de 22 m².

A més, tant els nostres apartaments de Lugaris Beach com Lugaris Rambles disposen de tot allò que podeu necessitar a diari: Wi-Fi d’alta velocitat, caixa forta, mobles, televisió via satèl·lit, climatització de fred o calor, assecador de cabell, planxa i taula de planxar, cafetera Nespresso, estris de cuina, coberts, vaixella, nevera amb congelador, forn, microones, rentavaixelles, rentadora-assecadora, roba de llit, tovalloles i amenities.

Si esteu plantejant-vos llogar apartaments a prop de la platja a Barcelona, Lugaris és una aposta segura. Comptem amb exclusius pisos de luxe, perfectament preparats perquè les vostres properes vacances o viatges de negocis siguin realment irrepetibles. Us animeu a comprovar-ho en primera persona i al vostre propi apartament?

Benvinguts/des a la vostra nova llar al costat del mar!


andrew taylor Avatar

Absolutely perfect for a family stay in Barcelona. Very modern and funky reception area and the most helpful and friendly staff you could possibly want. Great apartment, very new, cool, spacious and had all the necessary facilities. Rooftop pool is a great bonus for the kids (although not quite warm... read more

andrew taylor 29/04/18
Nina Beyerle Avatar

Good Hotel. Modern and clean. Good Location.

Nina Beyerle 13/04/18
Mery L Avatar

IMPRESIONADA El mejor alojamiento en el que he estado en toda mi vida. Todo pensado al detalle, calidad superior de los apartamentos, relación calidad precio excelente. Lo recomiendo a todo el mundo y será mi sitio de referencia cuando venga a Bcn

Mery L 27/01/18
Guus Hennen Avatar

Very nice clean rooms, we even got a free upgrade. Location is great, close to the beach. Friendly personel!

Guus Hennen 30/12/16
Arenesa Dulova Avatar

We stayed in Lugaris Beach apartments, the apartment was nice and clean, the beds comfy and it was quiet, which allowed us to have a proper sleep and rest. Eva and Pia were lovely ,friendly and welcoming. You can book all your tickets for the main attractions from the reception,... read more

Arenesa Dulova 10/01/19
jo_capelle Avatar

beautifull design appartement nearby the sea We'd liked the modern design from the appartment with beautifull views to the sea and Barcelona city. The appartment is also clean and fully equiped. It is situated in a nice and quiet neighborhood.(Poblenou) The staff is very kind and very helpfull. We recommended Lugaris very higly .

jo_capelle 13/03/18
DWF2018 Avatar

Very nice hotel in Barcelona The personnel was very obliging. The hotel is near the beach and has big and silent rooms/apartments. Our apartment had a fully equipped kitchen (fridge, dishwasher, nespresso coffee machine, etc.). The furniture was modern and new. We felt very comfortable.

DWF2018 27/03/18
Eric Drattell Avatar

We loved the Lugaris apartment in Poblenou. It's directly opposite the beach, a very short walk (~100 meters) from the La Rambla Poblenou where there are sone great restaurants, and a short walk to the metro (~10 minutes) which takes you into central Barcelona.

The apartment was beautifully furnished and very... read more

Eric Drattell 05/09/23
WerAnn Avatar

Sauber und gut untergebracht Appartement an der Rezeption Motiviert. Nette Leute mit einem großen Lächeln bereit, Tipps für den Aufenthalt. Großes modernes Appartement. Sauber und vorgesehenen von allen Komfort für einen angenehmen Aufenthalt. Appartement in der Nähe vom Strand und die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel.

WerAnn 21/04/17
SantyMA Avatar

5 star rating Un excelente apartamento Estuve, junto a mi hijo, hospedado en el apartamento la primera semana de enero. Desde la atención de Marco en nuestra llegada hasta el check out, el servicio fue excelente. El apartamento cuenta con todo lo necesario para una grata estadía, hasta cuenta con lavarropas. Esta muy bien ubicado, cerca... read more

SantyMA 25/01/19
Елена П Avatar

Прекрасное расположение и все необходимые удобства Оценила на 5, но вообще твердая 4. Всё было великолепно: расположение, удобства в номере, наличие стиральной машинки и посудомойки. Очень оценила наличие приветственного набора с продуктами и средствами гигиены. Минус хотела снять за чистоту. К сожалению, под кроватью и диваном было много пыли. Нам с маленькими детьми это сразу бросается... read more

Елена П 13/06/18
Ivan Holko Avatar

Almost 5 star experience in every aspect!

Ivan Holko 21/05/17
milinchetas Avatar

5 star rating Amplitud, cómodo y tranquilo Apreciado cliente, muchas gracias por su estancia en Lugaris Beach Apartments y por escribir un comentario. Nos alegra saber que le ha gustado el apartamento y la zona. Esperamos verles de nuevo en otras ocasiones. Cordialmente,

Narcís Calleja

Guest Relations Manager

milinchetas 05/02/19
Ramtos Avatar

Auténtico y acogedor Fué todo perfecto, y tal como esperabamos coinciidió con lo anunciado. Con fachada a la Rambla del Poblenou, que te permite incorporarte al ritmo de la Ciudad. Trato amable y profesional. Muy recomendable y sin sorpresas. Con posibilidad de aparcamiento y otros servicios adicionales a precios ajustados.

Ramtos 14/11/16
Olga K Avatar

5 star rating Muy buenos apartments Apreciada Olga,

Gracias por sus comentarios y su valoración en todos los aspectos de su estancia en en Lugaris Beach apartments, estamos encantados que haya disfrutado de sus vacaciones con nosotros.


Eva Llorens

Guest Relations Manager

Olga K 25/03/19
Rosemarie De Belen Avatar

“Amazing experience that most of us are already booking our flights for the next visit!” Everything! The property is walking distance (8 mins.) from the beach. The kitchen was a bonus so we can still cook foods early in the morning or late at night after whole day swimming or walking on the beach. The swimming pool was another options where you can see the... read more

Rosemarie De Belen 13/06/18
Valeria Lopez Avatar

We loved our stay. The staff was extremely nice and helpful with things that came up. The room is simple but has everything needed. The bed was comfortable!

Valeria Lopez 02/12/18
Dsfamili Avatar

Au calme et proximité plage et métro Appartement très bien agencé et équipé dans un quartier calme et à proximité de la plage de barcelone, du métro (10min) et des restaurants. Très bon accueil et des informations sur le quartier et barcelone dès notre arrivée.

Dsfamili 16/05/18
Rakesh Pawar Avatar

It is one of the best location in Barcelona. We really enjoyed the beach nearby. Most of the top attractions in Barcelona are not very far from this location. The apartment was very neat and clean. People there at the reception are very helpful.

Rakesh Pawar 14/11/18
Seeza Santana Avatar

Recently stayed at Lugaris for 1 week with my misses. The staff (Alex, Viktor & Maria) where phenomenal, they helped us out and were very hands on.

The apartment was clean, tidy and well presented. It’s a great location, accessible to the city centre, the beach and other tourist attractions.... read more

Seeza Santana 10/12/19
dgamboam Avatar

5 star rating Espectacular!!! Muy buen sitio. Excelente la atención del personal. Apartamentos como nuevos. Muy bien dotados!!! Super limpios. Nos encantó. Sin duda super recomendado!!! Volveremos!!!! Pasamos muy bien allá. Gracias!!!

dgamboam 26/07/18
Gabe Jackson Avatar

If I could give Lugaris Beach Apartments more than 5 stars I would. The staff is so wonderful. They were extremely helpful during the check-in and check-out process. They were beyond kind. During check-out, we were offered lockers to keep our luggage in while we explored during our time before... read more

Gabe Jackson 13/06/23
marcmoral Avatar

5 star rating Preciosas vistas al mar Estuve con un par de amigos de visita a Barcelona, nos alojamos en Lugaris Beach, en una habitación con vistas al mar.

Preciosa estancia, el personal muy amigable y servicial.

Lo recomiendo a todo el mundo. Un 10.

marcmoral 14/11/17
SantyMA Avatar

5 star rating Un excelente apartamento Estuve, junto a mi hijo, hospedado en el apartamento la primera semana de enero. Desde la atención de Marco en nuestra llegada hasta el check out, el servicio fue excelente. El apartamento cuenta con todo lo necesario para una grata estadía, hasta cuenta con lavarropas. Esta muy bien ubicado, cerca... read more

SantyMA 13/01/19
Nicole A Avatar

Séjour 3 jours à Barcelone Excellent séjour à Barcelone avec logement à Lugaris Rambla. Très bel appartement bien situé, proche des transports (metro, bus) et de la mer. Excellent accueil et suivi pendant le séjour. Logement parfaitement équipé et meublé. Quartier agréable

Nicole A 03/04/17
venud3 Avatar

Wunderbarer Aufenthalt im Lugaris Wir waren für 3 Nächte. Man kann zu Fuß zum Strand und in der Nähe von Bus- und Metrostationen. Das Personal war sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Das Appartement war sehr modern und gepflegt. Alles in allem hatten wir einen angenehmen Aufenthalt in Barcelona.

venud3 19/05/17
Josecmc63 Avatar

Lugaris Barcelona Very confortable and nice apartment. Two minutes walk from main beach boulevard and one minute walk to Las Ramblas Poblenou. Apartment had all services working and front desk people is very kind and helpful.

Josecmc63 09/04/18
Arsalaan Avatar

“Exceptional” Location, Staff friendliness, Customer Centricity, Room size, Facilities

Arsalaan 28/06/18
heidilin Avatar

Strand sauber und guten mittelpreisigen Lokalen befindet Sehr sauber, geräumig und modern Hotel direkt gegenüber vom Strand. Um es Spielplätze und gute Restaurants und ein paar nette Geschäfte in der Nachbarschaft. Es war ungefähr 10 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt von der U-Bahn. Wir waren wirklich begeistert von dieser Lage und Wohnung. Kann es sehr empfehlen!

heidilin 07/04/17
Anais L Avatar

Génial L hôtel est très bien situé face à la mer Nous étions 3 et au 7e étage vue vraiment imprenable Le quartier est moderne à proximité de l'arrêt de métro poblenou La chambre propre moderne et design Nous avons été très bien accueillis avec plusieurs explications sur les activités et... read more

Anais L 09/02/18
Dennis lopez Avatar

Very well located on Poblenou, nice resturants, stores, close to the subway,great service from the people who work at hotel, the lady that made us the check in a Argentinean girl( I'm sorry I forgot her name) was really nice and give us a map,tips and explained how to get... read more

Dennis lopez 14/06/18
Javier C Avatar

Fabuloso Amplio, limpio, bien ubicado. Personal pendiente y profesional. Excelente relación calidad precio. Frente a la playa en la zona del Poblenou. Te ofrecen la Posibilidad de poderte preparar algo para comer.

Javier C 06/03/17
saif0d Avatar

Nice place Buen trato, grandes trabajadores siempre dispuestos a ayudar y resolver cualquier problema con el apartamento. Buenas instalaciones y muy bien situado. Algunos problemas con los electrodomésticos pero enseguida lo arreglaban.

saif0d 24/03/17
Olesya F Avatar

Очень все понравилось! Нам недавно посчастливилось отдыхать в одном из апартаментов Лугарис. Очень понравилось, ну просто очень! Советую кстати, зайти на страницу Лугарис, а не бронировать букинге, там можно разные скидки или фишки бесплатные получить. Во-первых сервис высшего класса, любой каприз, как говорится, за ваши деньги. Парковка в центре города, бассейн, море под... read more

Olesya F 13/08/18
Olga Biryukova Avatar

Great place to stay❤️ it was really perfect.

The apartment is quite big, modern and clean. The service was good and fast when we had some problems. The staff is cheerful and helpful.

Special thanks for the comfortable welcome meeting during the late evening.

Olga Biryukova 19/05/23
Sid M Avatar

A definite EXCELLENT choice for your stay in Barcelona. Clean & luxurious, across the street from the beautiful beach and completely surrounded by charming little cafes, bars, pubs and restaurants with absolutely delicious food. With a Super Market within a 5min walk and buses & metro also very close by,... read more

Sid M 17/04/18
Fabian Hagenius Avatar

Great affordable apartments in good condition.

No complaints really. Staff was very friendly and helpful.

Fabian Hagenius 25/09/23
Jessica Crothers Avatar

This was an excellent location and the apartment was quite clean and comfortable. Felt very safe. Do take care not to make too much noise. We had our windows open one night and were apparently a bit too loud and had a visit from security. (We’re old, so we weren’t... read more

Jessica Crothers 22/06/23
Alex H Avatar

We loved our stay here! The location is right next to the a beach with plenty of restaurants and supermarkets nearby. Very easy to get around, getting to the city center was easy with plenty of options. We had a few rainy days while we were there but the staff... read more

Alex H 23/10/19
frederic0212 Avatar

Lugaris avril 2018 Genial Nous avons sejourne durant 4 jours. La residence est tres recente, bien situee et l'acceuil est de grande qualite. Les appartements sont tres propres, bien equipes et climatises. La piscine sur le toit est agreable apres les longues marches dans Barcelone. A recommander

frederic0212 21/04/18
Iñaki Z Avatar

Fantástico apartamento Nos quedamos 6 días y nos sentimos como en casa. Muy bien decorado, en la zona de cocina no faltaba de nada, cama cómoda y confortable, muy luminoso. El transporte público prácticamente a la puerta, que te deja en la Plaza de Catalunya en 15 minutos. Dispone de todos los... read more

Iñaki Z 29/10/16
Angy Smith Avatar

It was ok. The apartments were modern and clean but lacked comfort. If you have any mobility issues or disabilities the bath / shower is impossible to use - it's a fixed glass shower screen leaving about a 2 foot gap to climb through over the bath - my Dad... read more

Angy Smith 02/09/17
Lars DK Avatar

What a shitty place If you want complaints for What your neighburs do, have your belongings moved without notice and Worst of all have ppl in your room while your out lugaris is the place. Dont go even the receptionist is rude.

Lars DK 14/03/17
tomnewton1983 Avatar

Comfortable, clean and secure, excellent, friendly service. My stay at Lugaris couldn't have been better. The Internet service was great (70Mbps down and 20Mbps up most of the time), the bed was comfortable and clean, and I especially liked the welcome pack, complete with ingredients for a romescada (which I actually took home with me so I... read more

tomnewton1983 13/03/18
Rico Seiferth Avatar

Very well located between the beach and the urban area of Poblenou. Friendly staff and a great variety of different room types, some with an awesome sea view. Very well equipped apartment, some things are a bit older and not working properly anymore but in total you’ll have everything you... read more

Rico Seiferth 11/08/20
Scott P Avatar

Schnell einen Tag Aufenthalt für Konzert Ich brauchte eine Übernachtungsmöglichkeit für die Rolling Stones Konzert im September. Ich muss sagen, dass das Apartment war ein wirklich cooles Hotel. Schönes Zimmer, großer Wohnbereich. Ich hätte es noch mehr Menschen lieber gewesen. Ich habe nicht die Chance hat, hier zu genießen Sie es wie es war ein gehetzt... read more

Scott P 26/10/17
Priya Patel Avatar

Stayed here in November, it was perfect. The reception staff were so helpful, spoke very good English and were always happy to give advice. Upon arrival we were given maps and even told about local supermarkets and bus stops. The lady circled all of the attractions which we mentioned and... read more

Priya Patel 09/04/18
Emil W Avatar

Nice and clean, kitchen has what is needed for lunch or light dinner. Pool on fifth floor, not too large a pool, but with a view that compensates! Close to public transport and hop-on-hop-off buss stop. Lots of restaurants nearby and VERY close to the beach.

Emil W 21/06/18
Alessandro Marchini Avatar

Excellent option. Very clean and well managed. Have in mind there is no “service” in case of short stay, it is not like hotel service, but it a great option anyway. Big rooms. Well located. Less then 10 minutes walk from metro station.

Alessandro Marchini 20/09/23
Alan Y Avatar

Great neighborhood along the beach We enjoyed our stay away from the more touresty areas. Access requires some learning but a very reasonable walk from the subway. Five minutes from the sea and all apartments have sea views. Full kitchen is supported by the nearby good sellection of neghborhood grocery stores and small shops.

Alan Y 19/04/12
Klaus Ries Avatar

A great apartment complex with spacious rooms. The pictures are real, that's just the way it is. We were fortunate enough to stay on the 6th floor such that we had a great overview of the city as well as a view to the beach.

Many great restaurants and bakeries in... read more

Klaus Ries 04/11/18
Halls Creek Avatar

Good option for a stay of a few days or more. A little bit outside the center, yet not too far. Restaurants and supermarkets closeby. Rooms are smaller and a little less attractive then the pictures suggest but still good value for money. Staff is helpful and friendly.

Halls Creek 19/12/19
lori abbott Avatar

We stayed here for a week in 2016 it was clean and really close to both the beach and Barcelona city. We would love to stay again for our 30th wedding anniversary but only for a couple of nights. Is this possible?? 🤞🏻

lori abbott 01/01/19
Anastasia D Avatar

Новогодние каникулы Останавливались в апартаментах с 30 декабря по 8 января, семьей из двух взрослых и 1,5 годовалого ребенка. Очень чистые и комфортные апартаменты! В апартаментах есть: необходимая посуда, посудомоечная машина, микроволновка, холодильник с морозилкой, плита с духовкой, чайник, кофемашина (Неспрессо), телевизор, фен, стиральная машина. Так же были предоставлены несколько пакетиков чая... read more

Anastasia D 13/06/18
Mo Sullis Avatar

Fantastic location, clean and perfect sized apartments with all amenities for a small family. The staff at the front desk, couldn’t be more friendlier. The only downside with our experience was that the swimming pool was not heated, but the view from the rooftop was amazing.

Mo Sullis 24/03/18
connymausilu Avatar

Perfekter Urlaub Wir haben uns sehr wohlgefühlt und werden es weiterempfehlen. Besonders gut hat uns die Lage und die Ausstattung gefallen. Die Rezeption war sehr freundlich und kompetent und hat uns gut beraten. Bushaltestelle in der Nähe.

connymausilu 02/03/18
cucamarcha Avatar

Elegante, moderno y muy cómodo apartamento frente al mar Estuve con mi familia 4 días en uno de los apartamentos. Super amplio, muy bien decorados y provistos de todo lo necesario para pasarla bien. La atención super hospitalaria y atenta. Para los que van en auto, como yo, tiene garage en el subsuelo. A pocos minutos del centro y... read more

cucamarcha 08/03/17
Raymond Houtenbos Avatar

Narcis & Marco make you feel very welcome from the very first moment, The apartment is very nice and clean and well located. As an extra there was a small welcome pack waiting in the apartment with some coffee, tea and etc. All together a great place to stay when... read more

Raymond Houtenbos 30/01/19
Carina Avatar

“100% recomdable 😁” Las personas de recepcion excelentes. Muy Buena onda.El apartmento super comodo, luminoso y limpio. Las camas super comodas. 100% recomendable.Vuelvo seguro !

Carina 10/04/18
MariaRMej Avatar

“Muy agradecida!” 100% recomendable, volveré! La ubicación, las instalaciones, la limpieza, el personal. Lo reserve para mi boda, allí hicimos la sesión de fotos y maquillaje, porque soy de otra ciudad y siempre me encontré con facilidades por parte del personal. Al llegar me tenían preparado un ramo de rosas y una... read more

MariaRMej 27/03/18
632celestef Avatar

best place to stay it was such a nice place to stay especially with a big family. the place is clean and close to the city. surrounded by good restaurants and grocery stores are around the corner. a couple blocks away from the metro but its so easy to find taxis if you dont... read more

632celestef 19/03/18
Aleksander M Avatar

Todo está bien! Отличный отель! Отличный отель. Удобный ,большой номер с видом на море. Хорошо оборудованная кухня,удобная кроватьбольшая ванная комната.На двоих горячей воды хватало. Рядом небольшой рынок и Меркадона.Море ,парк,автобус,все рядом ,Дружелюбные ребята на ресепшен. Все понравилось! Gracias!

Aleksander M 13/08/18
emilie m Avatar

Superbe ! L appartement est très propre, moderne, spacieux et fonctionnel. Il est très bien situé ( â côté de la plage) vue sur la mer . Assez facile d accès par les transports en commun.Je recommande cet appartement, nous n avons pas été déçus. ( petit point négatif, on entend la... read more

emilie m 13/11/17
leipsy400 Avatar

Ausgezeichnet Apartment Obwohl es etwas außerhalb der Touristenattraktionen in der Bereiche das Apartment war sehr nahe der U-Bahn und dem Strand. Sehr geräumig und komfortable Betten. Wenn die Buchung bei Buchung. com vorsichtig sein, dachte ich, ich würde haben ein 3 Schlafzimmer Apartment nur um 2 Bett. Das Sofa im Wohnzimmer war,... read more

leipsy400 13/04/17
Alex H Avatar

We loved our stay here! The location is right next to the a beach with plenty of restaurants and supermarkets nearby. Very easy to get around, getting to the city center was easy with plenty of options. We had a few rainy days while we were there but the staff... read more

Alex H 23/10/19
Terry Bentley Avatar

The staff was super helpful and accommodating. They upgraded us to a bigger apartment in order to accommodate our request. The seaside view was beautiful! They helped us figure out how to get around the city and were so friendly. Thank you for a great stay!

Terry Bentley 19/12/19
searcherNetherlands Avatar

Wonderfull Appartment very friendly Staff Lugaris Appartment Rambla is a very beautifull appartment It's directly at the at Rambla Poble Nou Street. Downstairs is a bar and Kebab Restaurant. Next is a big bar and opposite a supermarket. A Ice Salon. It's a nice wonderfull street with a lot off bars and the bus stop... read more

searcherNetherlands 03/06/17
radudelacluj Avatar

Property was nice, clean, beds comfortable, quiet. It had big windows, so we had lots of natural light. The apartment was big enough for us and had everything we needed. The staff was very friendly, helpful. During our stay we met Manuel, Victor, Alex and Maria. Everyone of them was... read more

radudelacluj 07/12/19
Hugo Seghers Avatar

Great location, great apartment and service. Missing 5 stars because of a parking issue (some parking spaces in the building are to narrow with a stress for scratches and so on, and a solution wasn't find right away).

Hugo Seghers 19/08/20
Sari Hokkanen Avatar

We stayed at Lugaris beach last wk with my husband and our 11 yr and 13 yr old daughters. Had a fantastic stay. Apartment was perfect and clean, location just perfect as place is right by the beach and City of Barcelona is only about10 min. away by cap. Also... read more

Sari Hokkanen 24/06/17
Eduardo Salazar Avatar

Excellent option for a long stay with the family. Ver well equipped, nothing missing. Service quite fast when needed. Very responsive. Location is superb next to the beach and very close to the metro and bus stations. I will be back.

Eduardo Salazar 29/12/16
libeline Avatar

Confortable appart bien situé. Parfait Pour découvrir Barcelone en résidant dans un quartier calme et vivant. Mer à proximité Rambla de poblenou à côté avec tout commerce et marche couvert. Bus tout près et métro à moins de 10 mn de marche. Très bon accueil avec gentillesse. Lits confortables avec lit double grand. Cuisine équipée... read more

libeline 01/05/18
Anthony Avatar

“Je recommanderai ce logement à des amis.” L'accueil, très sympathique. La proximité des moyens de transport pour se rendre au centre ville de Barcelona. Le fait d'être dans un quartier agréable avec tout à proximité. Bel établissement, je le recommanderai à un ami. Merci pour l'accueil.

Anthony 22/04/18
SergeiShubin Avatar

Стильно, комфортно и немноголюдно. Приехали на барселонский марафон. Квартиру выбрали рядом со стартом, парк Цитадели и можно сказать прямо на трассе марафона. Очень новый и стильный дом, есть свой ресепшн работает с 9 до 24.00 Нас приняли оформили, взяли депозит 200 евро так же 0.74 евро в сутки туристический сбор, проводили до квартиры и... read more

SergeiShubin 13/11/18
myriamkouskouras Avatar

Superbe appartement L’appartement est très lumineux, la propreté y est impeccable. Situé à 10 min de marche du métro. La plage se situe à quelques pas. La literie est de grande qualité. Les 2 salles de bain font gagner un temps précieux pour ne rien rater de Barcelone. TOP!!

myriamkouskouras 02/03/18
SamB Plays Avatar

Great location excellent accommodation would definitely stay again

SamB Plays 19/01/19
Jing Xu Avatar

Great room! The light shields are awesome!! We had really nice and sound rest, also because it’s quite.

The location is 5 mins from beach, close to H16 bus, but far from metro.

If you come from airport, I will recommend 46 bus - H16 bus from T1, most convenient and also... read more

Jing Xu 14/09/23
fx_drolet Avatar

Great location Emplacement parfait, vie de quartier comme les Barcelonais. À proximité de la plage, de la Rambla Poblenou, de marché et bons restaurants. Appartement tranquille et personnel accueillant. Je recommande cet endroit à tous!

fx_drolet 12/12/17
Per Rehnberg Avatar

Very nice apartment that had everything we needed. Great service!

Per Rehnberg 24/03/18
Phil Jones Avatar

Beautifully well equipped apartment, it was fantastic to wake up on a Sunday morning to the sea view. Will hopefully visit again!! Close to metro, beach and has a very nice street nearby too for food and drink 5*****

Phil Jones 09/12/15
Ulrike Avatar

“Top - jederzeit wieder.” Sehr große Freundlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft. Alle Fragen wurden kompetent beantwortet. Als wir dachten unseren Zimmerschlüssel verloren zu haben, wurde uns mitgeteilt, dass wir ihn außen stecken gelassen haben und die Security -Firma ihn gefunden und zur Rezeption gebracht hat. So fühlt man sich sicher. Danke!

Ulrike 23/05/18
Faboarg Avatar

4 star rating Fin de semana en Barcelona Desde el 09.12 al 12.12 estuve alojado en estos apartamentos con mi mujer e hija de 9 años y no me arrepiento de la decisión, muy cómodos, funcionales y modernos, ubicados en la zona de playas de Barcelona en Poblenou, yo fui casi en invierno y con automóvil y te... read more

Faboarg 04/01/18
Andrea Ventura Avatar

Wonderful apartment, wonderful position, 100m from the sea.

The perfect place for a couple.

Andrea Ventura 07/08/20
Michael Avatar

“alles gut.” Lage perfekt. Die Strandpromenade bietet Platz für verschiedene Sportarten. Inlineskatesplatz in der Nähe, gut um mit Kindern Fahren zu lernen. Gute Ausstattung um selber zu kochen. Zuvorkommendes Personal, daß zügig Probleme löst. Betten ok. Preis nicht billig aber angemessen. Alles gut

Michael 13/04/18
Vilma Wineland Avatar

We really enjoyed our stay. Great location

Vilma Wineland 14/03/20
Sarah Howe Avatar

Just returned from a 5night stay, great location, comfortable apartment close to restaurants and metro. Staff at reception could not have been more helpful, highly recommend.

Sarah Howe 23/02/18
Clare Lowrie Avatar

We stayed in a family apartment as a family of five adults. It was bright, clean, spacious and big enough for all of us. I loved being able to open the windows and let the fresh air in. The staff were lovely and really helpful. The location was perfect, opposite... read more

Clare Lowrie 26/09/23
Rees Croasdell Avatar

Recently returned from our fourth stay with Lugaris. We always have a fabulous time in their beautiful apartments and Pia and the rest of the team really know how to look after their guests and welcome you to Barcelona. I don't think we'd ever stay anywhere else when visiting the city!

Rees Croasdell 17/06/17
A TripAdvisor Member Avatar

Lugaris Apartments Poblenu Had a great time with the family, staying at the Lugaris Apartments in Poblenu, the staff were fantastic especially Pau, who made our stay great and was very helpful. The whole team at Lugaris were wonderful and very polite. The lovely Med beach is 5 mins walk, Poblenu Rambla has... read more

A TripAdvisor Member 25/08/17
Muriel Carole Avatar

Very bright and spacious flat, comfortable, clean and well-equipped, located near the beach and shops & restaurants. The staff is always available to help and very friendly. Overall a great place to stay!

Muriel Carole 15/05/18
marc0bcn Avatar

5 star rating Excellent Es un sitio ideal para ir en pareja, con familia o con amigos, tiene la playa cerca, el apartamento es moderno, limpio, completo y muy cómodo, sin duda intentaré volver a repetir reservar en este alojamiento

marc0bcn 08/03/18
Jan Janjan Avatar

Lovely place to stay. Just crossed the road to sandy beach.

Jan Janjan 26/11/17
pallen_527701 Avatar

Ausgezeichnete Lage Wir kamen um 23 : 00 und bekam trotzdem ein wunderbar warm welcome von Eva. Das Apartment war ein bisschen kleiner als erwartet, aber das ist immer der Weg auf der Grundlage von Fotografien. Es war jedoch makellos sauber und war wirklich ein Zuhause in der Ferne, es hatte alles,... read more

pallen_527701 17/04/17
josepcarpio Avatar

Excelente Estuvimos alojados en Lugaris durante las pasadas fiestas de la Mercè. El apartamento era nuevo, muy bien equipado, muy limpio y con excelentes vistas al mar. La situación es muy buena; a 5 minutos a pie de la playa del Bogatell, en el barrio del Poble Nou, tranquilo y con... read more

josepcarpio 28/09/16
Ashley Powell Avatar

Each time we come to this beautiful establishment the experience is better and better. Alex at reception is also a real credit to the company, he deserves a pay rise or promotion, as he was on hand to provide great suggestions for food, drinks and our night out. We celebrated... read more

Ashley Powell 15/01/20
Samia Avatar

“Magnifique” J’y suis allée avec mes 4 Enfants c’était juste magnifique . Les hôtes étaient présents et avenants .ils m’ont donné des conseils et même appelé les taxis en leur disant qu’elle route prendre pour ne Pas me faire avoir ... L'appart était nickel et équipé rien a dire je recommande... read more

Samia 07/05/18
Yaroslav Kerget Avatar

This property has a great location it’s just few minutes from the beach of Mar Bella or Bigatell and quite close to the good Plaza with a lot of cool restaurants in Poblenou as well.

Condition of property is nice but not superb clean. The top flors 5-6-7 has a great... read more

Yaroslav Kerget 17/01/19
Peter Stringer Avatar

We had a great stay at Lugaris beach, family room - would stay again and recommend to other families.

Rooms - excellent, very well equipped. Air con was needed and good at night. Loads of space. Only downside if travelling with older kids that need their own room it’s a two... read more

Peter Stringer 29/07/23
auckspider Avatar

This place was fantastic! The location is great. It is across the road from the beach and close to a bus stop which takes you to the center in about 15 minutes. Also around the corner are a number of great restaurants to sample some of the great Spanish food!!... read more

auckspider 28/06/18
DeBorah Ahmed Avatar

My husband and I totally enjoyed ourselves. The complex is conveniently located next to public transportation, as well as withing walking distance of many boutiques, grocery stores, restaurants, and wonderful walking paths by the beach. The staff was very helpful too the entire time we were there.

DeBorah Ahmed 07/02/20
David A Avatar

Excellent emplacement L' appartement est très bien situé dans un quartier tranquille. Accès facile et rapide à la plage. Nous avons passé un agréable séjour en famille et reviendrons surement. Demander la vue sur la mer pour profiter du lever de soleil.

David A 24/03/18
Alex Hillis Avatar

We stayed 3 nights at a Lugaris beach apartment. It's nicely appointed with a comfy bed, good sized space, and a washer/dryer combo. Kitchen is small but handy if you're staying a bit longer and dont want to eat out every meal. We went in the off season, so the... read more

Alex Hillis 19/03/18
Jesus S Avatar

5 star rating Recomendable Zona muy tranquila y bien comunicada. Apartamento confortable, cerca de la playa y bien equipado. Personal amable con buen servicio. La piscina un poco pequeña para el tamaño del edificio. Varios restaurantes cerca.

Jesus S
Emma Payne Avatar

Booked 2 apartments here for family of 6. Arrived to welcoming, friendly staff at reception. Very helpful to assist with making our stay great and stress free. Apartments were very clean, spacious and modern with amazing views of the sea and very close to the beach. Would definitely recommend.

Emma Payne
Pedro A Avatar

Parfait pour séjour d'affaires Belle résidence, moderne et bien située (à proximité commerces, plages, parcs) - Bel appartement, confortable et propre, tout équipé - Parking souterrain, accès direct depuis l'appartement - Bon accueil, personnel serviable

Pedro A 13/03/18
Magdalena Janus Avatar

This was the best choice I could have made! The appartment was exactly as described - actually even better! It was very nice and clean, had all the stuff you might need - two bathrooms, iron, TV, kitchen, full equipment. There is A/C in the apartment.

Reception is helpful, as... read more

Magdalena Janus 15/02/20
elenaz969 Avatar

Третий раз в Лугарисе Были в июне в Лугарисе на Побленоу. Это уже третье посещение данного отеля (предыдущие были в 2013 и 2014 гг.) Номер в этом году был немного другой, не было вида из окна на пешеходную улицу, зато была стройка прям возле террасы. Зато на кухне было гораздо больше необходимых вещей. Нам... read more

elenaz969 13/08/18
Aki Eurola Avatar

We stayed here for few days and this was one of the best hotels we have been! The rooms are big, very clean and the AC was great. We had two showers and toilets, a master bedroom and other room for two where kids could sleep and have their own... read more

Aki Eurola 27/04/18
Alberto M Avatar

Mejor que un hotel y más económico No me equivoqué cuando reservé este departamento en Lugares Beach. Ubicado en Poblenou, frente al mediterráneo, a 4 cuadras del subte (que bien se puede hacer caminando hasta el centro) es un edificio moderno, amplio, con baños muy bien equipados, cocina con todo lo necesario, una muy buena heladera y... read more

Alberto M 25/05/16
pschabus2018 Avatar

5 Tagestrip im Februar Top Appartement, modern eingerichtet- 7. Stock mit Meerblick! Alles da was gebraucht wird, Geschirr und Handtücher. Nettes Personal, Supermarkt um die Ecke, U-Bahn in 10 Min. Fußweg, Bus noch näher, haben wir aber nicht versucht.

pschabus2018 02/03/18
Ashley Elliott Avatar

We really enjoyed our stay at the Lugaris, the apartments are a great size, well laid out in a really good location with the beach a short walk away and access to the underground stations close by.

Poblenou is a great area with plenty of bars, restaurants and shops, a fantastic... read more

Ashley Elliott 06/05/23
Kim Davis Avatar

Staff was great. The area is fun, close to the beach and fun restaurants!

Kim Davis 24/09/18
Mike Elrom Avatar

Great location, Great staff, Great city! We stayed in Barcelona for 4 days and were fortunate to stay at Lugaris Beach resort. It's only a 4 minute walk to a really nice public beach. The hotel is in a great location, walking distance to shops and nightlife. The staff at... read more

Mike Elrom 26/06/18
Andrea Ventura Avatar

Beautiful apartment!

Very quiet and peaceful!

I suggest this

Andrea Ventura 11/02/20

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